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Maybe take the easy way out ? (thought experiment) by hogan: i will make spelling mistakes and grammer mistakes, [maybe] so be warned. also instead of there, their, and they're ill be using my own word: theer (pronounced 'the-re') The modern state of the European man is not exactly as glorious as it was in the past, to say the least. I'm not going to try to convice people who are not aware of the JQ, race & IQ, or any other -Q the truth is out theer, it is a-priori. So suck my nuts if you don't think so. To those with ears to listen. I will propose to you this question: why not accept the paradigm? The cattle listen to theer shepards, only way to win is to 2!|| them. You and me aren't going to be doing that, lets be real for a second. Why not convert to Judaism? Yes, you might not be accepted. However if you have kids with a jewish women, your children will reign over hordes of mutt-mutants a hundred years from now. The only opposition to that proposition I'd see is if you were already religious, and thus can't convert. Though to the pagans and atheists.. understand the cattle and shepard dynamic. Theer is no individual. Theer are a few people imbued with sentience, most people are followers. Understand that our enemy is literally the very-very top of the structure. Names we don't hear and face we don't see, guarded and hidden away in castles dwarfing mountains. With modern leisures, forms of propaganda worked on for decades by CIA agents, and chemicals sprayed in the air designed to pacify... understand my friend im not trying to depress you. You are smart enough to see the problems. Let's not larp here. If you really wanted to take down the elite, you'd start a racial supremacist secret society and have the whole point be the destruction of the current leadership. That's hard though, the more realistic thing is to honestly: join them. If a parasite goes around killing all lions, thats still natural selection. The remaining white leadership already did, is doing, or is going to do what I'm saying. Understand the new world that is just slowly coming to be. It is a horrid one, total indulgence. Money over everything, would you rather your children be raised in a healthy world? I'd say, unless you are working hard for Europe. Convert to Judaism. Jews are more closely related to modern Europeans, then modern Greeks. This is a fact. [still working on]