https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBqb6B3IcCM (activate automatic translation) "Interstellar Spaceflight? - Possibilities and Limits," a lecture by. Dr. Wolfgang Seboldt of German Aerospace Center in Cologne. In this online lecture, we get deep into the technology, possibilities and mathematics of interstellar spaceflight. Will we ever fly to the stars? Can we be helped by very advanced propulsion systems, which today are more reminiscent of science fiction, but which at least do not contradict the known laws of nature? The lecture tries to estimate how far these visions are realistic. At the same time - at least from today's point of view - also clear limits become recognizable, justified above all by high costs, whose clear reduction (by orders of magnitude) is not foreseeable and above all gigantic distances in the cosmos. They make it seem almost impossible that humans will ever - even considering visionary technologies like laser sails, fusion or antimatter drives - overcome the limits of the planetary system and advance to neighboring stars or further into the galaxy. Dr. Wolfgang Seboldt (* 1946) studied mathematics and physics at the universities of Bonn and Bochum. He has been with DLR in Cologne since 1985. Scientifically, he initially worked in the fields of plasma astrophysics, stellar dynamics, magnetohydrodynamics and planetary research. Later, engineering issues were added - especially in the area of novel space technologies (including solar sails and space resource utilization). He has also advised the European Space Agency (ESA) on future strategies. The engineer as a "villain." https://www-intercom--mono-com.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en ...by a typical representative of the irrelevant yakking "sciences". These people are only a drain on the state's pocket and yak all day long in the Jew press/media. https://www-unil-ch.translate.goog/all/fr/home/menuinst/mitarbeitende-1/neuere-deutsche-literatur-1/leucht-robert.html?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en While productive minds have to prove themselves in business and the free market. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science,_technology,_engineering,_and_mathematics